- The Johnnie Reb's Skiffle Group (1956 - 1957)
- The Johnnie Reb's Rock Group (1957 - September 1962)
- Screaming Lord Sutch & The Savages #2 (July 1960)
- Emile Ford & The Checkmates #2 (Late 1962 - June 1963)
- The Flee Rekkers #4 (October 1963 - Late 1964)
- Joe Brown & The Bruvvers #10 (Early 1965 - 1966)
Barrie Taylor aka "Whip" played bass occasionally for Screaming Lord Sutch & The Savages after they had supported The Johnnie Reb's at the Clay Pidgeon, about July 1960, and as they had no bass player at the time. He also used to freelance at the 2 I's Coffee bar where he often sat in with The Savages (3).
His father called him 'whippet' as he was a skinny kid, thus the nickname and it being on his bass strap.
In fact Whip started off on on Rhythm guitar during the Skiffle days, and then switched to upright bass with rock 'n' roll. He later had a Hofner fiddle bass and then a Epiphone Rivoli bass, which he used with a Fender Bassman Amp.
Whip later played bass for Jerry Lee Lewis (1), Jess Conrad, Marty Wild & the Wildcats, Emile Ford & The Checkmates (1963), The Flee-Rekkers (1963-1964) and Joe Brown & The Bruvvers (1964-1965) among others.
(1) Barrie Taylor aka "Whip"
"The Johnnie Rebs were the resident band at the Southhall Community Centre, this venue had a lot of big name appearing there. I played with Jerry Lee Lewis there on bass as he didn't have a band only a drummer!!"
(2) Pete Newman:
"We have a bass player at one time called "Whip"... He was in fact Whip Taylor who played with a band called the Johnny Rebs at the same place we did gigs in, The Clay Pigeon Pub, near Harrow. The drummer of that band was none other than the now world famous Jim Marshall inventor of the Marshall amplifier!"
(3) Barrie Taylor aka "Whip"
"We had a manager for a short while whose name was Jim Marshall, not the one of the Amp Fame !! I did know Jim Marshalls son and Pete Fleerackers used to make the cabinets for the amps for the Marshall amps."
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